Detailed analyses about the technical transformations we need to reach net-zero.
Read our analyses and opinion pieces. Concise and to the point.
Short focuses (around 500 words) giving the keys to understanding an innovation, technology, regulation, etc.
Regular conferences allowing members of the Zenon community to increase their skills on climate and decarbonization technologies and issues.
Annual meeting for actors in the climate and decarbonization technology ecosystem.
Beyond Dialogues and ClimaTech, Zenon can organize events to address a particular issue, by involving actors and partners.
Une journée d'échanges unique, organisée par Zenon Research et l’université PSL
A unique day of exchanges, organized by Zenon Research and PSL University
THE back-to-school meet allowing you to take stock of the disruptive innovation ecosystem for the climate in France!
First major conference organized by Zenon on the theme: deep tech and climate change