Detailed analyses about the technical transformations we need to reach net-zero.
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Short focuses (around 500 words) giving the keys to understanding an innovation, technology, regulation, etc.
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Beyond Dialogues and ClimaTech, Zenon can organize events to address a particular issue, by involving actors and partners.
Financing the Green Deal
European industrial policy. The Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA), or the missed opportunity to promote European climatech
1er volet d’une série de trois permettant de faire le bilan du Pacte vert de l'UE. Il présente le cadre et les objectifs du Pacte en matière de climatech.
Are companies ready?
Low-carbon hydrogen production in the European Union: what economic conditions are required to switch to low-carbon hydrogen by 2030?
Primary energy was only suited for a world dominated by fossil fuels. It doesn't have any sense in a future where electricity and renewables rule.
Low-carbon hydrogen production in the EU: are 2030 targets achievable?
Low-carbon hydrogen production technologies: various but not equivalent options
A detailed synthesis of the current of development of the direct air capture technology and a look at future perspectives
Batteries or fuel cells? What is the best way to decarbonize heavy-duty road transport in Europe?
What role for innovation and technology in the race to decarbonise the world?
Mitigating climate change calls for a rapid transformation of our energy system. How fast can we actually transition?
Do we have enough metals for the energy transition?
While our economy is highly dependent on fossil fuels, replacing them by low-carbon energy sources is now crucial.
What if the world energy demand was bound to reach an asymptote? A detailed study of the national energy-economy links
What possible economic models for the renewed lunar objectives?
How will climate change affect economic growth? Is a climate-driven recession possible?
Is the Moon our next energy reservoir? An analysis of the prospects for helium-3 fuelled fusion
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