Going back on the Moon to stay
What possible economic models for the lunar objectives?
Almost 50 years after the end of the Apollo program, there is a renewed interest in the exploration of the Moon. However, space agencies face limited resources and the Moon is not yet attractive to private investors. The economic viability of a journey back to our satellite is therefore unclear. That is why a preliminary review of key success factors is required.
This report distinguishes direct business models, which can justify the journey to the Moon on their own, from indirect business models, which derive from primarily non-profit oriented activities, such as scientific facilities. We review the maturity of both types of models and show that orbital tourism around the Moon is the direct model closest to viability, while answering infrastructure requirements is the most promising indirect model.
This analysis highlights the need for further business model identification. A strong mobilisation of private investors is also much needed, even if public action should provide an initial impetus. Several innovative funding schemes are presented to increase the amount of money available.
Finally, this work identifies commercial and mining activities that could be implemented to build towards a ‘lunar economy’ able to sustain itself in the long run.
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