Carbon Dioxide Removal (EDC)
Essential tool for an ambitious climate strategy
Carbon Gap, Open Air Collective, South Pole and Zenon & Mines Paris PSL organize a conference to discuss the challenges of developing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Elimination (EDC) channels in the service of climate strategy in France. To meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement and limit global warming to well below 2 degrees, a considerable quantity (from 5 to 16Gt CO2 depending on the scenarios) of carbon dioxide will have to be eliminated each year by 2050. France has all the necessary assets to deploy the EDC, and must take up the subject and define a strategy for the EDC.
The objectives of this event are in particular to federate the actors of the emerging EDC ecosystem in France, to explore the roles of the EDC in the climate equation as well as the approaches of neighbouring countries and the EU, and finally to present an ambitious and rigorous vision of the deployment of EDC in France.
The conference will be followed by a cocktail to allow us to continue discussions.
Registration required.
Consult us (contact section of our site).