Zenon Research, Carbon Gap & Mines Paris PSL

Elimination of atmospheric carbon (Carbon Dioxide Removal) 
Executive summary launch breakfast

As the IPCC recalls in its latest report, negative emissions have a key role to play in achieving carbon neutrality, in addition to rapid and profound decarbonization, which alone will not succeed in meeting the 1.5 degree target.

Atmospheric carbon removal (or CDR for Carbon Dioxide Removal) covers a wide range of methods at various stages of maturity. What do these processes consist of? How do negative emissions contribute to climate goals? What are the challenges and prospects for the development of CDR on a global scale?

Since CDR is still a little-known subject in France, Carbon Gap has partnered with Zenon, in order to publish a precise but nevertheless accessible summary note on the subject (it is available in the section Insight/reports from our website)

This conference was therefore organized to present the summary note on the CDR, then to give an overview of European and American ecosystems, and a debate on the perspectives of the CDR in France.

Outline of the interventions:

Presentation of the Carbon Gap x Zenon note by Greg De Temmerman (Zenon/Mines PSL) and Benjamin Tincq (Carbon Gap/Marble): physical principles of elimination, role in climate action, different forms of carbon capture, co-benefits and risks, perspectives

Climeworks presentation by Julie Gosalvez (CMO): history and evolution of the DAC technology developed by Climeworks, current projects (Orca, Mammoth) & perspectives

Presentation of the International Energy Agency by Mathilde Fajardy (analyst) on the role of carbon removal in IEA modelling

Presentation by Clea Kolster (Partner, Lowercarbon Capital) on investment (public and private) and research dynamics in the United States

Presentation by Benjamin Tincq (Board Member, CarbonGap & Founding Partner, Marble) of Carbon Gap elimination strategies in Europe

Presentation by Joseph Hajjar (Head of the Emissions, Projections and Modeling Office at the DGEC/Ministry of Energy Transition) of the French framework, in particular with regard to SNBC

Roundtable and questions from the public

Link to the video recording